24 March 2014

Press release: London College of Fashion wins Prime Minister’s Big Society Award
seen at 22:50, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

London College of Fashion is the world’s oldest fashion educational institution. The College has been recognised for its innovative ‘Fashion Education in Prisons’ project which sees fashion students...

Speech: PM Direct in Peacehaven on pensions and savings plans
seen at 22:37, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Listen to the Prime Minister’s speech.


It was at a Saga event before the last election, in 2010, that the Prime – the now Prime Minister first announced his promise to keep pensioner...

News story: Joint G7 statement from The Hague
seen at 22:32, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Hague Declaration The Hague, The Netherlands March 24, 2014

We, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, the President of the European Council...

Inappropriate handling of fetal remains: Channel 4 Dispatches programme
seen at 21:32, 24 March in Human Tissue Authority (Our copy).
Following tonight's Channel 4 Dispatches programme, the Human Tissue Authority has written to Chief Medical Officer, Professor Sally Davies.
News story: Joint G7 statement from The Hague
seen at 21:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Hague Declaration The Hague, The Netherlands March 24, 2014

We, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, the President of the European Council...

Exchange of correspondence relating to the recently-announced “On the Runs” review
seen at 20:30, 24 March in Judicial Office: Home (Our copy).
Exchange of correspondence relating to the recently-announced “On the Runs” review
Press release: Foreign Secretary concerned at Egypt court sentencing 528 people to death
seen at 20:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Speaking today about an Egyptian court sentencing more than five hundred people to death, Foreign Secretary William Hague said:

I am deeply concerned by the reports that 528 individuals were today ...

Speech: “The future of Haiti is in the hands of the national authorities”
seen at 20:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Thank you, Madam President.

I would like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Sandra Honoré, for her briefing today. We recognise MINUSTAH’s continued contribution to stability...

Transparency data: NHS foundation trust directory
seen at 18:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Rating for Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust updated from 'no evident concerns' to 'issues identified'.

View the attachment for the NHS foundation trust directory.

Guidance: Energy networks in the UK: investment opportunities
seen at 18:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

With growing demand globally for energy, the UK is always looking to develop and prepare its energy networks for the future. There are major investment opportunities for overseas companies and investors to become...

Statutory guidance: Non-automatic weighing instruments type approval certificates UK/2966 to UK/2989
seen at 18:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The National Measurement Office issues type approval certificates under the Non-automatic weighing instruments regulations.

Statutory guidance: Non-automatic weighing instruments type approval certificates UK/2894 to UK/2965
seen at 18:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The National Measurement Office issues type approval certificates under the Non-automatic weighing instruments regulations.

Guidance: HM forces: partners and children
seen at 18:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New version of guidance published

UK Visas and Immigration modernised guidance for how it handles applications from partners and children of British, foreign and commonwealth nationals serving ...

Statutory guidance: Non-automatic weighing instruments type approval certificates UK/2816 to UK/2893
seen at 18:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The National Measurement Office issues type approval certificates under the Non-automatic weighing instruments regulations.

Guidance: Points-based system sponsor licensing renewals
seen at 18:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated guidance attached

UK Visas and Immigration modernised guidance about how to renew a sponsor’s licence, when to renew it and what happens if it is not renewed.

Statutory guidance: Non-automatic weighing instruments type approval certificates UK/2251 to UK/2802
seen at 18:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The National Measurement Office issues type approval certificates under the Non-automatic weighing instruments regulations.

Guidance: Transit visitors
seen at 18:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: updated guidance attachment

UK Visas and Immigration modernised guidance for how it deals with applications from transit visitors.

R -v- Francis Paul Cullen
seen at 18:30, 24 March in Judicial Office: Home (Our copy).
Sentencing remarks of His Honour Judge Jonathan Gosling
News story: David Meller announced as Chair of the National Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network
seen at 18:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Skills Minister Matthew Hancock has today (24 March 2014) announced the appointment of David Meller as the new Chair of the National Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network.

David is Chair of the Meller...

News story: Chinook crew hit by bullets are commended
seen at 18:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The extraordinary courage shown by pilot Flight Lieutenant Charlie Lockyear and Master Aircrew Bob Sunderland was revealed during a military awards ceremony in London on Thursday 20 March 2014.


Press release: London College of Fashion wins Prime Minister’s Big Society Award
seen at 18:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

London College of Fashion is the world’s oldest fashion educational institution. The College has been recognised for its innovative ‘Fashion Education in Prisons’ project which sees fashion students...

News story: Nuclear Security Summit 2014
seen at 18:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Prime Minister is attending the summit to demonstrate the UK’s commitment to preventing nuclear terrorism by working closely with allies. This is the third international nuclear security summit (following...

Speech: PM Direct in Peacehaven on pensions and savings plans
seen at 18:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Listen to the Prime Minister’s speech.


It was at a Saga event before the last election, in 2010, that the Prime – the now Prime Minister first announced his promise to keep pensioner...

Policy paper: Case study on action 3: in-house digital capability
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 3 is that departments will ensure that they have appropriate digital capability in-...

Correspondence: Generic medicine reimbursement prices: April 2014
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

This letter, from the department to NHS England, provides details of the agreement to reduce generic medicine reimbursement prices (Category M) from April 2014 by £10 million per month, equivalent to...

Policy paper: Case study on action 4: digital capability across departments
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 4 is that the Cabinet Office will support improved digital capability across departments...

Policy paper: Case study on action 6: encouraging third parties to develop services on top of our APIs
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 6 is that from April 2014, all new or redesigned transactional services will meet the...

Policy paper: Case study on Action 10: offering leaner and more lightweight tendering
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 10 is that the Cabinet Office will offer leaner and more lightweight tendering processes...

Transparency data: DFID government e-payments framework transactions February 2014 travel
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

DFID government e-payments framework transactions February 2014 travel.

Policy paper: Case study on action 11: build government as a platform
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 11 is that Cabinet Office will lead in the definition and delivery of a new suite of...

Policy paper: Case study on action 13: management information
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 13 is that departments will supply a consistent set of management information (as defined...

Policy paper: Case study on action 14: using digital tools to engage the public
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 14 is that policy teams will use digital tools and techniques to engage with and consult...

Guidance: Tregantle firing times
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added new firing times 14 to 27 April 2014

The firing times are presented in 2 file formats. The PDF format is web browseable and accessible on mobile devices such as Blackberry’s, smart phones...

Policy paper: Financial sanctions: consolidated list of targets
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: list updated to reflect correction to most recent Afghanistan notice (Regs 261/2014 and 263/2014)

HM Treasury is responsible for the implementation and administration of international financial...

Policy paper: Financial sanctions, Afghanistan
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: correcting errors in most recent notice (Regs 261/2014 and 263/2014)

In 1999 the United Nations required all member states to freeze the assets, prevent the entry into or the transit through...

Research and analysis: Apprenticeship evaluation: learners
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Corrected data spreadsheets.

This report presents the findings of the apprenticeship evaluation apprentice (learner) survey 2012 to 2013. The survey examined the views and experiences of 5,010 ...

Research and analysis: Apprenticeships evaluation: employer
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Corrected data spreadsheet.

This survey examined the views and experiences of 4,009 employers whose employees had finished an apprenticeship programme between August 2011 and March 2012.

Transparency data: CMA board meeting minutes: 15 January 2014
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The members of the CMA board are set out in the ‘Our management’ section of the CMA’s home page.

Policy paper: Background on action 9: a cross-government approach to assisted digital
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 9 is that there will be a cross-government approach to assisted digital. This means...

Transparency data: CMA board meeting minutes: 13 February 2014
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The members of the CMA board are set out in the ‘Our management’ section of the CMA’s home page.

Policy paper: Background on action 15: Why digital inclusion matters
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 15 is ‘Collaborate with partners across public, private and voluntary sectors to help...

FOI release: FR20: number of ex-regular service personnel
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

MOD response to a Freedom of Information request for the number of ex-regular service personnel who are now reservists and the number of those who were made redundant before joining the reserves.

Statistics: Career Transition Partnership ex-service personnel employment outcomes: financial year 2012/13 Q3
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Replaced the 'Career Transition Partnership quarterly statistics: UK regular service personnel employment outcomes: Q1 2009 to Q3 2012/13' with a revised version.

This publication provides summary...

Statistics - national statistics: GDP deflators at market prices, and money GDP: March 2014 (Budget)
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

A series for the GDP deflator in index form is produced by the Treasury from data provided by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). The GDP deflator set is updated...

Transparency data: DH workforce information: 2013
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Contingent labour costs for April to December 2013 for HSCIC and NHS England added.

Information about the number of people employed by DH and its agencies during 2013 including:

staff headcount...
Guidance: HB Subsidy Circular S2/2014: Additional funding to meet the costs of implementing welfare reform changes in Apr 2014 to Mar 2015
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

This circular is about additional funding of &pound;18.4 million that will be allocated to local authorities (LAs) to support the administrative costs of implementing welfare reform changes in April 2014 ...

FOI release: Funding to television companies for each of the last 10 years
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

TV companies - FOI full list of funding provided to television companies for the purposes of making programmes for each of the 10 years from 2003 to 2004 through to 2012 to 2013; specifying which company and ...

FOI release: Special advisers travel spend 2011 to 2014
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Special advisers FOI: travel and subsistence for special advisers for the 3 years: 2011 to 2012, 2012 to 2013 and 2013 to 2014; providing a breakdown of costs of travel, entertainment, hospitality and any hotel...

FOI release: Appointment of Lord Smith as Chairman of Environment Agency
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Lord Smith - FOI appointment of Lord Chris Smith as Chairman of the EA, including where the position was advertised, how many people applied and how many were interviewed.

Guidance: Banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New calculator added.

This guidance provides a single point of reference for suppliers of alcohol and local authorities in England and Wales for banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty...

FOI release: Number of soldiers from former British colonies serving in the army
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

MOD response to a Freedom of Information request dated 13 February 2014 for the number of soldiers from former British colonies serving in the army.

HEFCE respected and valued by stakeholders
seen at 16:31, 24 March in HEFCE news (Our copy).
An independent survey has found that HEFCE is considered by its stakeholders to be highly respected, trusted and approachable [Note 1]. And 80 per cent are satisfied with their relationship with HEFCE – an overall...
Museums across the South West awarded Full Accreditation as part of Arts Council England’s National Accreditation Scheme
seen at 16:31, 24 March in Latest entries (Our copy).
Museums across the South West awarded Full Accreditation as part of Arts Council England’s National Accreditation Scheme
Press release: PHE commits to tackling TB
seen at 16:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

To mark World TB Day Public, Health England (PHE) is today launching its collaborative tuberculosis (TB) strategy for consultation, aimed at bringing together best practice in clinical care, social support and...

News story: The Great Escape 70 years on
seen at 16:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Although 200 airmen had planned to escape through man-made tunnels, only 76 managed to taste freedom and 73 were later captured. Of those who broke out, only 3 reached safety, and, of the 73 recaptured, 50 were...

Press release: David Meller announced as the new Chair of the National Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network
seen at 16:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Skills and Enterprise Minister Matthew Hancock has today (24 March 2014) announced the appointment of David Meller as the new Chair of the National Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network.

David is ...

News story: Library comparison reports published
seen at 16:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

We have commissioned a comprehensive set of benchmarking reports, for a second year running, which are published today. The reports, produced by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA...

News story: David Meller announced as Chair of the National Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network
seen at 16:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Skills Minister Matthew Hancock has today (24 March 2014) announced the appointment of David Meller as the new Chair of the National Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network.

David is Chair of the Meller...

News story: Delivering Differently fund supports public service innovation
seen at 16:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

10 pioneering local authorities have been chosen to receive support from the Delivering Differently Challenge. More than 150 local authorities across England applied for the support. The successful applicants...

News story: Chancellor welcomes new jobs following fall in beer duty
seen at 16:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

As the price of a pint fell by a penny following a Budget cut in duty for the second year running, the Chancellor visited a Midlands brewery today which said the measures had allowed them to announce the creation...

Statement to Parliament: High speed rail: 24 March 2014
seen at 16:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Mr Speaker, the last few days have brought important proposals to make the most of High Speed Two.

They will help us build the line better.

Bring benefits to the north sooner.

And support...

seen at 14:31, 24 March in Downing Street Says (Our copy).
Asked whether the PM thought not publishing immigration estimates had led to anti-immigration sentiment, the PMS said the PM did not agree. He said that given previous failings to effectively forecast immigration...
Form: River Thames accommodation licence
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

You need a River Thames accommodation licence to build, change or keep any structure:

on, in or over the river, eg jetty, boom, pontoon, piling that cuts into the river bank, eg dock, slipway

It is...

Guidance: HB Circular S3/2014: Confirmation of funding and overall expenditure limits for Discretionary Housing Payments in Apr 2013 to Mar 2014
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

This circular provides clarity on the arrangements for April 2013 to March 2014 Discretionary Housing Payment funding and to set out the revised overall expenditure limit for each authority.

Research and analysis: Hate speech, freedom of expression and freedom of religion: a dialogue
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

This FCO Research Analyst paper is intended to inform and provoke thought: it does not represent Government policy.

Policy paper: City Deal: Leicester and Leicestershire
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Leicester and Leicestershire is the 16th of the 20 Wave 2 areas to conclude their City Deal.

The Leicester and Leicestershire City Deal aims to halve youth unemployment in the area as well as unlock over...

Research and analysis: Islam in Georgia
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

This FCO Research Analyst paper is intended to inform and provoke thought: it does not represent government policy.

Policy paper: Ribble: Catchment flood management plan
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Catchment flood management plans (CFMPs) consider all types of inland flooding, from rivers, ground water, surface water and tidal flooding, but not flooding directly from the sea, (coastal flooding), which is...

Research and analysis: The Christian Churches in Latin America
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

This FCO Research Analyst paper is intended to inform and provoke thought: it does not represent government policy.

Research and analysis: Negotiating with the Taliban: Insights from before 2001
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

This FCO Research Analyst paper is intended to inform and provoke thought: it does not represent government policy.

Policy paper: Wyre: Catchment flood management plan
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Catchment flood management plans (CFMPs) consider all types of inland flooding, from rivers, ground water, surface water and tidal flooding, but not flooding directly from the sea, (coastal flooding), which is...

Policy paper: South west Lakes: Catchment flood management plan
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Catchment flood management plans (CFMPs) consider all types of inland flooding, from rivers, ground water, surface water and tidal flooding, but not flooding directly from the sea, (coastal flooding), which is...

Guidance: ILR data: check that it meets standards and quality requirements
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New PDSAT tables uploaded

Colleges, training organisations, local authorities and employers (further education providers) can use a number of reports and tools to test the integrity of Individualised...

Guidance: SFR: compliance with official statistics code of practice
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The statistical first release (SFR) is published 5 times a year and comprises:

further education & skills:learner participation, outcomes level of highest qualification held

The document on this...

FOI release: FOI request for Crisis Loans and Community Care Grant data
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Added spreadsheet showing the number of people receiving Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants in 2010 to 2011, 2011 to 2012 and 2012 to 2013.

FOI request for Crisis Loans and Community Care Grant...

Policy paper: Case study on action 1: active board-level leadership
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 1 is for:

departments to have in place engaged, active, board-level leadership...
Policy paper: Case study on action 2: redesigning services
seen at 14:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

The Government Digital Strategy commits each government department to carrying out 16 actions.

Action 2 is that services handling over 100,000 transactions each year will be redesigned, ...

R -v- Daniel Crompton
seen at 14:30, 24 March in Judicial Office: Home (Our copy).
Sentencing remarks of Mr Justice Turner
Promoting effective international peace operations in increasingly complex environments (WP1336)
seen at 14:30, 24 March in Wilton Park (Our copy).

In partnership with The Center on International Cooperation, New York University and with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oslo and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Hague

Two charged over the mislabelling of goat meat
seen at 14:30, 24 March in Crown Prosecution Service Press Releases (Our copy).
Sue Patten, Head of Fraud at the Crown Prosecution Service, said: "Following a joint investigation by the Food Standards Agency, Dyfed Powys Police and Ceredigion Council, criminal proceedings have been instituted...
Two charged over the traceability of horsemeat
seen at 14:30, 24 March in Crown Prosecution Service Press Releases (Our copy).
Sue Patten, Head of Fraud at the Crown Prosecution Service, said: "Following a joint investigation by the Food Standards Agency, Dyfed Powys Police and Calderdale Council, criminal proceedings have been instituted...
Derbyshire priest sentenced for historic child abuse
seen at 14:30, 24 March in Crown Prosecution Service Press Releases (Our copy).
A former priest from Derbyshire has been sentenced for over 20 sexual offences against young people, dating back over several decades. The offences were described by Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor Janine Smith as...
Press release: Press briefing: morning 21 March 2014
seen at 14:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).
EU reform

Asked about the Prime Minister’s meeting on EU reform with Chancellor Merkel, PM Rutte and PM Reinfeldt, the Prime Minister’s Spokesperson (PMS) said the leaders had discussed the importance of on-...

Press release: Ken Clarke discusses proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with professional business services
seen at 14:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Cabinet Minister Ken Clarke today (21 March 2014) hosted a roundtable meeting with professional business services to discuss the barriers to the US market that they currently face and explore the many opportunities...

Press release: City Deal creates thousands of new jobs and apprenticeships in Leicestershire
seen at 14:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, and Minister for Cities, Greg Clark, announced the Leicester and Leicestershire City Deal which will create thousands of new jobs and apprentices today.

The Leicester...

News story: Five appointments to the Independent Advisory Panel
seen at 14:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Home Office and Department of Health, has appointed Dr Dinesh Maganty, Professor Graham Towl, Matilda MacAttram, Dr Meng Aw-Yong and Stephen Cragg as Members of...

News story: Tax-Free Childcare: 10 things parents should know
seen at 14:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to reflect that Tax-Free Childcare will also be available for children with disabilities up to the age of 17.

From autumn 2015 Tax-Free Childcare will be available to nearly 2 million...

News story: Online advice service launched to thwart mobile phone thieves
seen at 14:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Advice has been published on with the support of major phone manufacturers Apple, Blackberry, LG, Samsung, Sony, Nokia and Windows Phones.

The service encourages the public to make more...

News story: Bright future secured for Hillsborough Castle
seen at 14:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Northern Ireland Office and Historic Royal Palaces are pleased to announce that they have today signed a contract confirming that Historic Royal Palaces will take over responsibility for management and presentation...

seen at 11:33, 24 March in Downing Street Says (Our copy).
Asked about NHS managers being rehired following redundancies, the PMS said that government reforms to cap pay-outs and claw back payments if an individual returns to work within a year of being made redundant...
Statistical data set: Monthly MCS and ROOFiT statistics
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest data published.

The MCS and ROOFiT pipeline statistics show the number of installations each month that are registered on the Microgeneration Certification Scheme - MCS Installation Database...

Statutory guidance: NHS foundation trusts: annual reporting manual 2013 to 2014
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: There were three places in the document (on pages 5, 42 and 148) where a paragraph reference has been replaced with ‘error!’. These have now been corrected. The corrected references are: Page 5, row ...

Consultation outcome: Personal alcohol licences: enabling targeted, local alternatives
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Government response added.

The government is concerned that the system of personal licences may not always be the most proportionate or effective way to ensure alcohol is sold responsibly. The ...

Guidance: Independent Living Fund user guides
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Due to changes within the adult care system, the Independent Living Fund (ILF) will be closing on 30 June 2015. From 1 July 2015, the funding and responsibility of ILF care and support needs will transfer to ...

FOI release: Female service personnel aeromedically evacuated back to the UK
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

MOD response to a Freedom of Information request dated 24 January 2014 for details of the number of female military personnel who were aeromedically evacuated from operations in Afghanistan to the UK since 2006...

Guidance: Materials facilities: how to report on mixed waste sampling
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

From 1 October 2014, materials facilities (MF) to whom the environmental permitting regulations apply, must:

sample and test the materials they receive and send out record the information report...
Research and analysis: Genetically Modified Organisms: Rothamsted Research (14/R8/01)
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated to reflect that the consultation period for this application has now closed.

Rothamsted Research has applied to Defra for consent to perform a deliberate release of a genetically modified...

FOI release: European Court of Justice Case papers
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

European Court of Justice Case papers related to judgement C-301/10. The associated papers are lengthy and are presently not available electronically. Please contact the transparency team initially if you would...

Statistics - national statistics: Sustainable development indicators (SDIs)
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: amended datasheet

We are interested in who the main users of the SDIs are, as well as what the indicators are being used for and how useful they are. If you have views or comments on the indicators...
Guidance: Guidance on ANPR performance assessment and optimisation
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

This guidance document gives suggestions for how an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system can be set up and maintained in order to achieve the maximum performance and how this performance can be measured...

Transparency data: DFID government e-payments framework transactions February 2014
seen at 11:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

DFID government e-payments framework transactions February 2014

Contractor fined after worker is crushed by falling steelwork
seen at 11:31, 24 March in HSE RSS feeds (Our copy).
A plant hire and dismantling company has been sentenced for safety failings after a worker suffered life changing injuries when steelwork he was dismantling collapsed on top of him.
Press release: City Deal creates thousands of new jobs and apprenticeships in Leicestershire
seen at 11:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, and Minister for Cities, Greg Clark, announced the Leicester and Leicestershire City Deal which will create thousands of new jobs and apprentices today.

The Leicester...

Press release: Successful THINK! cycle safety campaign expanded
seen at 11:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

A campaign designed to improve safety for cyclists will be launched in key cities for a second time following a successful first run, Road Safety Minister Robert Goodwill has announced.

The campaign, ...

News story: Appointment of four new members to the Greater Manchester Advisory Committee
seen at 11:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

The MoJ is pleased to annouce the appointment of four new members to the Greater Manchester Advisory Committee; Mrs Vanessa Goldstone, Ms Alison Howard, Miss Nazneen Sunni and Mr Peter Turnbull.

Statement to Parliament: Rail franchise: Intercity East Coast
seen at 11:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

On Friday (21 March 2014) I published the invitation to tender (ITT) for the InterCity East Coast franchise. This marks the next step in the formal competition to find a new private sector partner to run...

Press release: Reappointment of Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council
seen at 11:30, 24 March in News and communications (Our copy).

Minister for Universities and Science David Willetts today (24 March 2014) announced the reappointment of Professor Sir John Savill as Chief Executive and Deputy Chair of the Medical Research Council (MRC).

Statistical data set: Monthly central Feed-in Tariff register statistics
seen at 10:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest statistics published.

Statistics presented in the monthly table below show the number of installations and capacity installed by technology type and tariff band that are confirmed on the...

Statistical data set: Monthly MCS and ROOFiT statistics
seen at 10:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Latest data published.

The MCS and ROOFiT pipeline statistics show the number of installations each month that are registered on the Microgeneration Certification Scheme - MCS Installation Database...

Statistics - national statistics: Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices
seen at 10:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Updated prices.

Weekly and monthly publications give the average wholesale prices of selected home-grown horticultural produce. The prices are national averages of the most usual prices charged...

Statistics: Consultative Committee on Construction Industry Statistics (CCCIS)
seen at 10:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: Minutes from 26 April 2013 added.

The CCCIS meets twice a year to discuss issues relating to the collection and dissemination of UK construction statistics. The Department for Business, Innovation...

FOI release: Spend on cars 2012 to 2013
seen at 10:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Cars FOI: how much was spent on cars for travel for Environment Agency and Defra staff for the financial year April 2012 to March 2013.

FOI release: Chemtrails and contrails
seen at 10:31, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Request for information on the confusion between contrails that naturally occur from aircraft exhaust and chemtrails, the act of spraying chemicals into the atmosphere, that does not occur in British airspace...

HTA responds to reports of inappropriate handling of fetal remains
seen at 10:30, 24 March in Human Tissue Authority (Our copy).
The Human Tissue Authority (HTA) responds to reports of inappropriate handling of fetal remains in tonight's Channel 4 Dispatches
Working and workless households - 4th Quarter 2004 to 2013
seen at 09:32, 24 March in Latest UK National Statistics releases (Our copy).
Households and the adults and children living in them, by household economic activity status.
Public Sector Finances - Supplementary Table - February 2014
seen at 09:32, 24 March in Latest UK National Statistics releases (Our copy).
Supplementary tables containing additional data relating to the Public Sector Finances statistical bulletin.
Central Feed-in Tariff register statistics - February 2014 data
seen at 09:32, 24 March in Latest UK National Statistics releases (Our copy).
Total installed capacity and the number of installations by tariff band and technology type.
Research and analysis: Can agriculture interventions promote nutrition
seen at 09:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Can agriculture interventions promote nutrition: Agriculture and nutrition evidence paper.

Guidance: LRS: awarding organisations
seen at 09:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New document awarding organisations known issues uploaded.

Awarding organisations (AOs) authorise and award learner qualifications in the UK and upload these into the personal learning record (...

Guidance: LRS: batch toolkit for awarding organisations
seen at 09:32, 24 March in Search (Our copy).

Updated: New document Awarding Organisations known issues uploaded

If you are a school or provider you should go to LRS: batch load documents for schools and providers.

Working and workless households - 4th Quarter 2004 to 2013
seen at 02:31, 24 March in Latest UK National Statistics releases (Our copy).
Households and the adults and children living in them, by household economic activity status.
Public Sector Finances - Supplementary Table - February 2014
seen at 02:31, 24 March in Latest UK National Statistics releases (Our copy).
Supplementary tables containing additional data relating to the Public Sector Finances statistical bulletin.
Central Feed-in Tariff register statistics - February 2014 data
seen at 02:31, 24 March in Latest UK National Statistics releases (Our copy).
Total installed capacity and the number of installations by tariff band and technology type.