Guidance: Housing Benefit adjudication circulars 2016

Updated: Revised HB circular A6/2016. Escalation, debt management, paragraph 33 - new telephone number for recoveries, payments, balances, etc: 0800 916 0647.

Adjudication circulars provide advice, guidance and information on Housing Benefit to local authority staff. They update the Housing Benefit guidance manual.

The circulars make many references to Council Tax Benefit as this was administered by local authorities alongside Housing Benefit until March 2013. In April 2013 Council Tax Benefit was replaced by local authorities’ own council tax support and reduction schemes, removing DWP’s involvement.

Readers will need to consider references to Council Tax Benefit in these documents accordingly.

For enquiries about the distribution of circulars, email:

Local copy of a12-2016.pdf
Local copy of a11-2016.pdf
Local copy of a10-2016.pdf
Local copy of a10-2016-benefit-cap-notification.docx
Local copy of a9-2016.pdf
Local copy of a9-2016-cis500-appendix-1.xls
Local copy of a8-2016.pdf
Local copy of a7-2016.pdf
Local copy of a6-2016.pdf
Local copy of a5-2016.pdf
Local copy of a5-2016-rti-optional-file.xls
Local copy of a5-2016-rti-raw-file.xls
Local copy of a4-2016.pdf
Local copy of a3-2016.pdf
Local copy of a2-2016.pdf
Local copy of a1-2016.pdf

seen at 16:35, 14 December in Publications on GOV.UK.
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