Guidance: In-service testing handbook for gas and electricity meters

Updated: IST handbook updated to version 3.1

The in-service testing (IST) handbook is a culmination of the IST group 1 and 2 and the IST group 3 report. It is designed to provide stakeholders who are undertaking sample testing with an understanding of the sampling methodology, test processes, assessment methods and final assessment criteria. The handbook includes details of IST test stations that have been approved by Regulatory Delivery (RD) for the in-service testing of gas and electricity meters.

The handbook is a working document and amendments will be made when necessary as the implementation of IST develops over time.


If you wish to speak to a member of staff please contact:

Gas and electricity metering team: In-service testing Utilities Team

Regulatory Delivery Stanton Avenue Teddington Middlesex TW11 0JZ


Reception 020 8943 7272

seen at 18:33, 19 January in Publications on GOV.UK.
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