Guidance: Industry Security Notice (ISN)

Updated: Added ISN 03/2017: Requirement to report security incidents affecting MOD material to the MOD

A Industry Security Notice (ISN) is an official document that tells people in industry about important instructions, guidance or other information relating to security.

Important notice ‘ISN 2014/04 Farnborough International Air Show 2014: exhibition clearances’ has been removed ‘ISN 2014/01: Government Security Classification Scheme’ updated April 2014 ‘ISN 2011/05 Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) 2011: exhibition clearances’ has been removed ‘ISN 2011/02: incident report’ has been superseded by ‘2011/07: incident reporting’ ‘ISN 2011/03: Nato personnel security clearances’ has been superseded by ‘2014/03: Procedure for UK contractors to obtain Nato personnel security clearances’
Local copy of ISN_2017-03_-_Reporting_of_Security_Incidents.pdf

seen at 16:32, 12 October in Publications on GOV.UK.
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