Notice: Current registered providers of social housing

Updated: Further July de-registrations added.

As regulator, we maintain a statutory register of social housing providers (the register) which lists private providers (not-for-profit and for-profit) and local authority providers. Most not-for-profit providers are also known as housing associations.

The following information is held on the register for each private registered provider (not local authorities):

a governing instruments folder, in which the provider’s governing document is saved annual accounts, which will include a value for money self-assessment (all providers are required to publish an annual self-assessment of their performance in delivering value for money) Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) certificate of registration

The list of current registered providers above is published at the beginning of each month. It contains the following details:

name registration number registered office address type of provider registration date legal entity

We also publish monthly a list of changes to the register due to new registrations and de-registrations.

You can arrange to view the full register by contacting us either by emailing or by telephone on 0300 1234 500

Local copy of List_of_Registrered_Providers_as_at_1_July_2015.xlsx
Local copy of List_of_Registrered_Providers_as_at_1_July_2015.xlsx

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