Statistics: Practical driving test: operational statistics

Updated: Published updated statistics with data to March 2014.

About these statistics

These statistics aren’t classed as an ‘official statistic’. This means that they are not:

subject to scrutiny and assessment by the UK Statistics Authority eligible for assessment as ‘National Statistics’ – these are statistics which are certified as compliant with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics

The statistics come from data held by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA), and are compiled and published by staff in DVSA.

Information you cannot find

If you cannot find the information you need, it may have been:

published in response to an Freedom of Information (FOI) request designated as an official statistic

You can send an FOI request if you still cannot find the information you need.

Information that cannot be released

DVSA cannot send you information if it is part of an official statistic that has not yet been published. This is because the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008 limits access to official statistics until they are published.

seen at 10:31, 18 September in Publications on GOV.UK.
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